ACT has been a part of the Participatory Groundwater Management (PGWM) program group has initiated community managed groundwater initiatives in rural and urban areas from objectives since 2004. Learnings and experiences of the ground level action research projects, same were gradually scaled up in different part of state as well as country. So far latest work is concerned ACT has contributed water harvesting for groundwater recharge activities through direct as well as indirect interventions in three locations of Gujarat state, two locations in Madhya Pradesh and supported various institutions in Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha states. Following is a list of activities carried out by ACT in water management aspects. The organization has worked various aspects of land and water management by keeping groundwater management in centre. To achieve its aim organization has carried out various activities such as (01) carrying out action research projects in shared and single aquifer systems; (02) preparing decentralized water security plans considering local geo-hydrological characteristics; (03) building capacities of local stake holders; (04) implementation of water and land resource management activities such as water harvesting structures, groundwater recharge structures, roof rain water harvesting structures, water shed treatment, soil moisture conservation on supply side while on demand side interventions like soil amendment, soil quality enhancement activities, crop diversification, introduction of water efficient seeds and crops; (05) groundwater and weather monitoring; (06) awareness among stakeholders etc.
All such activities have been executed by ACT either individually or in partnership mode. Spread wise ACT has worked in total about 09 states of India and 20 districts and about 1200 and more villages since its establishment. Total investment for all these projects has been made about 15.96 crores INR. Majority of resources has been mobilized through donor agencies mainly Indian, CSR foundations and about 5 to 7.5 percentages of total investment has been raised from community contribution. As ACT’s role in many of project is to provide technical knowhow and action research support scale of successful intervention have been largely held by partners and in the same project area based on ACT’s key knowledge support partners have raised resources almost four to five times than ACT’s investment for implement the desired activities at scale.